Foxy by Noelle Brown
October 5, 2015

Life is simpler when you live it as a fairy-tale. Good is good and bad is bad. What starts with Once upon a time will end with and they all lived happily ever after. For Ivan, carrier of the mutant redheaded gene, and a passion for law enforcement, life in Dublin is more nightmare than fairy- tale. Garda first, citizen second, Ivan is drawn into the hidden world of acceptable prejudice that resides in all of us, with devastating consequences. Lonely Doreen is forced to face her shameful past, while Traveller Michael is pushed to the limits in this darkly humorous modern tale.
FOXY by Noelle Brown, co-writer of the critically acclaimed POSTSCRIPT, is a theatrical experience where fact, fiction and fairy tales collide against a backdrop of original songs, testimony and Gingerism.
Project Arts Centre:
Preview Tuesday 27th October
Opening night: Wednesday 28th October until Saturday 7th November. 8.15pm